

There are some old cities in Turkey. Some of the cities are over 2,000 years old. No one lives in these cities today, but people still   41  them. Why do tourists want to see them? Because the cities are under the ground! 

    The cities had kitchens. They had meeting rooms. They had places to  42  cereal. They had tables. They even had air tunnels or chimneys. The air tunnels made it  43  to breathe more than one hundred feet under the ground. They kept fresh air flowing through the  44 .

     The cities had locking stones. The stones could only be opened or closed  45  inside. The locking stones were used to keep the people safe inside the cities.


  41( A ) destroy ( B ) invent ( C )arrest ( D ) visit

   42( A ) harvest ( B )store ( C )grow ( D ) search

    43( A ) safe ( B ) hard ( C )cruel ( D ) tight

   44( A ) Turkey ( B ) rooms ( C )cities ( D ) stone

   45( A ) from ( B ) to ( C ) of ( D ) with




跟著 "Google 地圖" 學英文

這是位於美國紐約州紐約市第一大道1st Avenue

一家希臘餐廳—Under The Bridge ,因為它就在Queensboro橋下。 



Here comes the catchy song!  



一首由Camila Cabello 所演唱的 Havana 哈瓦那




答案:41.( D ) 42.( B ) 43.( A ) 44.( B ) 45.( A )


There are some old cities in Turkey. Some of the cities are over 2,000 years old. No one lives in these cities today, but people still 41 visit them. Why do tourists want to see them? Because the cities are under the ground! 


   The cities had kitchens. They had meeting rooms. They had places to 42 store cereal. They had tables. They even had air tunnels or chimneys. The air tunnels made it 43 safe to breathe more than one hundred feet under the ground. They kept fresh air flowing through the 44 rooms .


   The cities had locking stones. The stones could only be opened or closed 45 from inside. The locking stones were used to keep the people safe inside the cities.



D41( A ) destroy摧毀( B ) invent發明( C )arrest逮捕( D ) visit訪問

B42( A ) harvest收穫 ( B )store( C )grow成長( D ) search搜索

A43( A ) safe安全 ( B ) hard( C )cruel殘酷( D ) tight

B44( A ) Turkey土耳其( B ) rooms房間( C )cities城市( D ) stone石頭

A45( A ) from( B ) to( C ) of( D ) with



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