推輪椅並不像看起來那麼簡單。Pushing a wheelchair is not really as easy as it looks.



Pushing a wheelchair is not really as easy as it looks. Before 41 out, you have to make sure that the rider is situated well in the seat of the wheelchair, so that the balance is kept steady during the ride. Also, her legs have to be firmly placed on the footrests so that her feet will not 42 on the ground. Then, before going forward, the brakes on the wheels have to be released. While en route, there are also many things to watch out for. You should never go too fast 43 bumps appear in your path. Maybe a teenager will suddenly stop in front of you to tie his tennis 44 laces or a young toddler will wander into your pathway, and you will have to come to a 45 stop. If you are careful enough, you and the rider will arrive at your destination without any mishaps.



41 (A)reaching  (B)setting (C)stretching (D)pointing

42 (A)drag (B)pull (C)walk (D)trip

43 (A)if so (B)and then (C)in case (D)although

44 (A)ball (B)racket (C)shoe (D)game

45 (A)later (B)sudden (C)false (D)heavy




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Wheelchair Rental Service,是一家輪椅租借服務



答案:41.( B ) 42.( A ) 43.( C ) 44.( C ) 45.( B )


    Pushing a wheelchair (輪椅)is not really as easy as it looks. 推輪椅並不像看起來那麼簡單。Before 41 setting out, you have to make sure (確保) that the rider is situated well in the seat of the wheelchair, so that the balance is kept steady during the ride. 41出發之前,您必須確保坐輪椅的人好好地坐在輪椅的座位上,以便在乘坐的過程中保持平衡。Also, her legs have to (必須) be firmly placed on the footrests so that her feet will not 42 drag on the ground. 而且,她的腿必須牢牢地放在腳踏墊上,這樣她的腳才不會42到地上。Then, before going forward, the brakes (剎車) on the wheels have to be released. 然後,在前進之前,車輪上的剎車必須被釋放。While en route, there are also many things to watch out for. 在途中,還有很多值得注意的事情。You should never go too fast 43 in case bumps appear in your path. 43如果你的路上出現顛簸,你不應該太快。Maybe a teenager will suddenly stop in front of you to tie his tennis 44 shoe laces or a young toddler will wander into your pathway, and you will have to come to a 45 sudden stop. 也許一個十幾歲的孩子會突然停在你的面前繫上他的網球44帶,或者一個年輕的小孩會走進你的小路,你將不得不45突然停下來。If you are careful enough, you and the rider will arrive at your destination without any mishaps(意外). 如果你足夠小心,你和乘坐的人將在沒有任何意外的情況下到達目的地。


B41 (A)reaching到達(B)setting設置(C)stretching伸展(D)pointing指向

A42 (A)drag(B)pull(C)walk(D)trip旅行

C43 (A)if so如果是這樣(B)and then然後(C)in case在情況下; 如果(D)although雖然

C44 (A)ball(B)racket(C)shoe(D)game遊戲

B45 (A)later之後(B)sudden突然(C)false(D)heavy




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